Well I have been busy working in .NET and thought to add "string.format" functionality in Delphi. I am not quite sure if this functionality exists in new versions of Delphi??? AFAIK, this is not available until D7.
{------------------------------------------------------------------------ Procedure: StringFormat Author: Kiran Kurapaty Date: 02-Jan-2011 Arguments: const AFormat: string; AParams: array of const Result: String Usage: ShowMessage(StringFormat( 'Records ({0}) {1} in {2} mins {3} secs ', [123, 'loaded', varMins, varSecs]); -------------------------------------------------------------------------} function StringFormat(const AFormat: string; AParams: array of const): string; function GetAsString(varRec: TVarRec): String; begin try case varRec.VType of vtAnsiString: result := varRec.VPChar; vtBoolean: result := IfThen(varRec.VBoolean, 'True', 'False'); vtChar: result := varRec.VChar; vtClass: result := varRec.VClass.ClassName; vtCurrency: result := format('%m', [varRec.VCurrency^]); vtExtended: result := format('%f', [varRec.VExtended^]); vtInt64: result := format('%d', [varRec.VInt64^]); vtInteger: result := format('%d', [varRec.VInteger]); vtInterface: result := format('%p', [varRec.VPointer]); vtObject: result := varRec.VObject.ClassName; vtPChar: result := varRec.VPChar; vtPointer: result := format('%p', [varRec.VPointer]); vtPWideChar: result := varRec.VPWideChar; vtString: result := varRec.VPChar; vtVariant: result := varRec.VVariant^; vtWideChar: result := varRec.VWideChar; vtWideString: result := varRec.VPWideChar; end; except Result := 'Unknown'; end; end; var I: Integer; itemVal: string; begin Result := AFormat; for I := Low(AParams) to High(AParams) do begin itemVal := GetAsString(AParams[I]); Result := StringReplace(Result, Format('{%d}', [I]), itemVal, [rfReplaceAll]); end; end;
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