using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; namespace Kurapaty.Solutions.Utils { ////// Commandline Arguments Parser class /// ////// Source: public class Arguments { ////// /// Splits the command line. When main(string[] args) is used escaped quotes (ie a path “c:\folder\”) /// Will consume all the following command line arguments as the one argument. /// This function ignores escaped quotes making handling paths much easier. /// /// The command line. ///public static string[] SplitCommandLine(string commandLine) { var translatedArguments = new StringBuilder(commandLine); var escaped = false; for (var i = 0; i < translatedArguments.Length; i++) { if (translatedArguments[i] == '"') { escaped = !escaped; } if (translatedArguments[i] == ' ' && !escaped) { translatedArguments[i] = '\n'; } } var toReturn = translatedArguments.ToString().Split(new[] { '\n' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); for (var i = 0; i < toReturn.Length; i++) { toReturn[i] = RemoveMatchingQuotes(toReturn[i]); } return toReturn; } public static string RemoveMatchingQuotes(string stringToTrim) { var firstQuoteIndex = stringToTrim.IndexOf('"'); var lastQuoteIndex = stringToTrim.LastIndexOf('"'); while (firstQuoteIndex != lastQuoteIndex) { stringToTrim = stringToTrim.Remove(firstQuoteIndex, 1); stringToTrim = stringToTrim.Remove(lastQuoteIndex - 1, 1); //-1 because we’ve shifted the indicies left by one firstQuoteIndex = stringToTrim.IndexOf('"'); lastQuoteIndex = stringToTrim.LastIndexOf('"'); } return stringToTrim; } private readonly Dictionary > _parameters; private string _waitingParameter; public Arguments(IEnumerable arguments) { _parameters = new Dictionary >(); string[] parts; //Splits on beginning of arguments ( – and — and / ) //And on assignment operators ( = and : ) var argumentSplitter = new Regex(@"^-{1,2}|^/|=|:", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled); foreach (var argument in arguments) { parts = argumentSplitter.Split(argument, 3); switch (parts.Length) { case 1: AddValueToWaitingArgument(parts[0]); break; case 2: AddWaitingArgumentAsFlag(); //Because of the split index 0 will be a empty string _waitingParameter = parts[1]; break; case 3: AddWaitingArgumentAsFlag(); //Because of the split index 0 will be a empty string string valuesWithoutQuotes = RemoveMatchingQuotes(parts[2]); AddListValues(parts[1], valuesWithoutQuotes.Split(',')); break; } } AddWaitingArgumentAsFlag(); } private void AddListValues(string argument, IEnumerable values) { foreach (var listValue in values) { Add(argument, listValue); } } private void AddWaitingArgumentAsFlag() { if (_waitingParameter == null) return; AddSingle(_waitingParameter, "true"); _waitingParameter = null; } private void AddValueToWaitingArgument(string value) { if (_waitingParameter == null) return; value = RemoveMatchingQuotes(value); Add(_waitingParameter, value); _waitingParameter = null; } /// /// Gets the count. /// ///The count. public int Count { get { return _parameters.Count; } } ////// Adds the specified argument. /// /// The argument. /// The value. public void Add(string argument, string value) { if (!_parameters.ContainsKey(argument)) _parameters.Add(argument, new Collection()); _parameters[argument].Add(value); } public void AddSingle(string argument, string value) { if (!_parameters.ContainsKey(argument)) _parameters.Add(argument, new Collection ()); else throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Argument {0} has already been defined", argument)); _parameters[argument].Add(value); } public void Remove(string argument) { if (_parameters.ContainsKey(argument)) _parameters.Remove(argument); } /// /// Determines whether the specified argument is true. /// /// The argument. ////// public bool IsTrue(string argument) { AssertSingle(argument); var arg = this[argument]; return arg != null && arg[0].Equals("true", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase); } public bool IsExists(string argument) { return IsTrue(argument); } private void AssertSingle(string argument) { if (this[argument] != null && this[argument].Count > 1) throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("{0} has been specified more than once, expecting single value", argument)); } public string Single(string argument) { AssertSingle(argument); //only return value if its NOT true, there is only a single item for that argument //and the argument is defined if (this[argument] != null && !IsTrue(argument)) return this[argument][0]; return null; } public bool Exists(string argument) { return (this[argument] != null && this[argument].Count > 0); } ///true if the specified argument is true; otherwise,false . ////// Gets the ///with the specified parameter. /// public Collection this[string parameter] { get { return _parameters.ContainsKey(parameter) ? _parameters[parameter] : null; } } } }
private bool ProcessCommandLineParameters() { // Usage: -ec -source:"C:\Temp\formDefinition.txt" -target:"C:\Temp\formDefinition.enc" try { Arguments parser = new Arguments(Arguments.SplitCommandLine(Environment.CommandLine)); if (parser.IsExists("help") || parser.IsExists("?")) ShowUsageHelpMessage(); if (parser.Exists("source") && 1 == parser["source"].Count) tbSource.Text = parser.Single("source"); if (parser.Exists("target") && 1 == parser["target"].Count) tbTarget.Text = parser.Single("target"); if (parser.Exists("ec") && parser.IsTrue("ec")) { button1_Click(null, null); return true; } if (parser.Exists("dc") && parser.IsTrue("dc")) { button2_Click(null, null); return true; } } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("Invalid commandline arguments passed. Please use GUI or type \"help\" at commandline.", "Commandline processor", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } return false; }